
What is the correct batch ratio for mixing concrete?

What is the correct batch ratio for mixing concrete?

The ratio of cement to river sand and stone determines the strength of the concrete. Here is a cheat sheet to ensure that you have the right strength of concrete for the job.

Your tools:

• Bucket / Tin
• Spade
• Wheelbarrow

Large batches

Low-strength concrete suitable for house foundations.


To make 1 cubic metre of concrete, you will need: 5 ½ bags cement + 0.75 cubic metres sand + 0.75 cubic metres stone.

Medium-strength concrete suitable for domestic floors, footpaths and driveways.


To make 1 cubic metre of concrete, you will need: 7 bags cement + 0.70 cubic metres sand + 0.70 cubic metres stone.

High-strength concrete suitable for precast concrete, heavy-duty floors.


To make 1 cubic metre of concrete, you will need: 10 bags cement + 0.65 cubic metres sand + 0.65 cubic metres stone.

Small batches

Use containers such as buckets, drums or tins. Use the same size container for measuring all the materials in a batch.
