Hanging Wallpaper
Follow these easy, practical steps to hanging wallpaper!
• Scissors
• Level
• Pencil
• Builders Trestle Table
• Hanging Brush
• Craft Knife
• Bucket
• Brush (wallpaper)
• Ladder
Mix your paste in a bucket according to the manufacturers’ instructions. Follow the instructions carefully as they will vary according to the type of paper you are hanging. Alternatively, purchase a ready-mix paste suitable to the paper you are hanging. You’ll also need a large pasting brush to apply the paste.
Measure the lengths of the first “drop” of paper. Add eight to ten centimetres to this to allow for trimming both ends.With the first piece face up on the table, unroll a second piece next to it, aligning the pattern before cutting to length.
Load your brush and apply the paste along the centre of the piece of paper. Paste the far sides working outwards in a crisscross manner from the centre.
Slide the paper towards you so that it overhangs the near side of the table in the same way as before. Repeat pasting process. You can also apply paste using a roller, but only work in one direction or the paper will be rolled up in it.
Take the first length of paper and unfold the top end. Leave the bottom end folded for the moment. Holding the paper in both hands, line up with your vertical mark on the wall. Allow an overlap at the top for trimming, then gently push the paper against the wall, adjusting its position by gently sliding it.Using a hanging brush, smooth down the centre of the paper to push out the air. Smooth downwards at an angle towards the outer edges on either side of the centre. Avoid creases by working in one direction.
To mark the ends for trimming, use the back edge of scissors to score a light line along the ceiling or skirting angle.
Lift the paper away from the wall a little at a time and trim to this line. Brush the paper back down against the wall, especially at the ends.
Another trimming option is to use a steel straight edge pushed firmly into an angle to be trimmed and then cut the paper with a craft knife.
When the next drop is pasted and ready to hang, repeat the process. Use the edge of the previous drop to line up.
It’s easier to position the paper on the wall, a fraction away from the edge of the preceding piece, then slide into position. Continue hanging the paper in this manner to the end of the first wall.
Switches and SocketsAs you get to switches and sockets, slacken the retaining screws for each unit. Hang the paper in the normal way, allowing it to go over the switch. Be careful not to damage it.
Press the paper lightly over the switch to identify four corners. Mark these and cut through the paper from the centre of the switch out towards these marks. Gently ease the paper back to the wall around the switch. You should be left with four triangles of paper pointing towards. Trim these back and allow a little to tuck in behind the switch cover. Move the switch plate away from the wall and gently brush these pieces behind it. Reposition the switch and slightly tighten the screws.
Round and Shaped Items
Hang the paper lightly over the item. Mark the centre and cut from the nearest edge of the paper to this point. Make radial cut outs from this mark. Push the paper back into place. Mark the flaps where they meet the edge of the item and trim before brushing the paper back.
Door and Window Frames
Lightly hang the paper down over the frame and mark the position of the corners. Cut from the waste area of paper in towards these marks. Gently smooth the paper down against the wall and into the edges of the frame. Mark and trim in the normal way.
External Corners
Take your paper around the corner by about 15mm and trim it to this point. The next section of paper can then be hung vertically, overlapping this ±15mm, and trimmed back a fraction from the corner.
Recessed Openings
Hang the length that overlaps the recess. Cut a horizontal line a fraction above the head of the window, running back to the top corner of the recess. Cut a line a fraction below the top of the sill, back to the bottom corner of the recess.
Allowing for pattern matching and trimming, cut a piece to suit the recess at the top, as if it were a continuation of the length just hung.
Paste a piece and position it, aligning the pattern. Slide the front edge up and under the main length. Trim the two pieces just above the head of the window, using a sharp blade and a straight edge.
Remove offcuts and smooth down. Continue papering above and below the recessed frame, treating the top as an external angle. Treat the far side the same as the first side of the recess.